Henry Ford once said “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”.
The idea is born from an individual who shares with another one. The Team takes it to success.
What is exceptional, is the capacity of an individual to bring himself into the project.
Tuesday 29/06/2021, 15:04, Vall’Alta (BG), Italy. Email to Acerbis CEO “Hello Guido, please allow me 5 minutes of open eyes dreaming for a crazy idea I just got”. The vision keeps going, in images and smiles of who’s typing and already living emotions of a near future.
Il messaggio nella bottiglia lascia la sicurezza della spiaggia e inizia l’Avventura.
The day passes with meetings and projects. And then…
On the screen “1 new message”
It is him, DREAMER has just replied.
Not only that.
He shares the dream.
We are already a Team.
Cosa stai aspettando. Iscriviti!
The AC50 project, the making of an idea of a visionary Team, now, it’s about to be shared with you, you that loves adventure, you that love the journey more than the destination, you that loves challenges more that safe result, you that will love to be with us and get on board with Acerbis.
The Golden Ticket is the key to start the engine of the vehicle we have chosen, the item to lift a never built before motorcycle from the side stand, just before lowering the visor and heading North. 100 Golden Ticket will allow their owners to access a restricted area of the ac50.acerbis.com website with special contents and the possibility to discover the destination of AC50.
This Golden Ticket is just waiting to be picked up.
What are you waiting for? Subscribe!
A journey, an adventure and a project have one thing in common: ‘richness’.
This increases with experience, with knowledge and with emotions. Drawing new trajectories, travelling new roads, will allow us to get to know new places but also to put our work, body and mind to test. On such a journey, it is normal to be eager to look back, because the temptation to admire the path travelled so far is always very high, a sort of neo-Orpheus in search of his Eurydice. One could also give in to this desire but we cannot take our eyes off the road, which separates us from our goal.
As the sculptor, stubbornly removes material to assign new volumes to his new forms, we, on the other hand, must add more and more to free the boundaries of imagination and seek new challenges. The first step is to mould and transform the idea into matter. Our Modelleria has accepted this new challenge. Pasquale Cugini, Head of Acerbis Modelleria: “From a drawing, I make the idea from putty, resin and wood. It is my job. In 41 years of work I have never done anything like this before but this is my world“.
In the same way, to the shape of the sculpture that awaits us at our finishing line, we add an endless series of rich expectations, which are nothing but our emotions! Those alone will be enough to say that it will have been a unique, incredible and wonderful feat!
Live the AC50 project.
Here is your pass to stay up to date AC50 GOLDEN TICKET
It all started with an idea.
Visionary? Yes, for sure!
Feasible? Maybe not, but just apparently.
An incredible idea, born from fantasy and inspired by our talent that fuels the desire to go where no one else has ever imagined venturing. An apparently bizarre idea, but we know that appearance often tricks the perception of what is feasible. The difference between achieving a goal, conquering a record, getting on a never done before motorcycle journey, making history and failing, lies all in us.
To believe or not to believe?
We prefer to believe in fantasy and in dreams. We believe with all our hearts. This is why we want to start this adventurous journey that has always lingered within us.
AC50 is an event planned in the Acerbis’ 50th Anniversary year. A project that sees all Acerbis expertise involved. Antonio Sironi, Project Manager AC50 “[…] A Journey has started. And I want to tell you something more. It’s a motorcycle journey never done before with SKF parts and Garmin GPS system. All surrounded by Acerbis’ flair.
Why are we working with such Excellences in their professional fields?
Because the challenge ahead is an extreme one. This Journey represents the realization of an Acerbis vision with all our Know-How”.
Because as a great Man once said, there are persons that “[…] are drawn away from trodden paths by the mysterious fascination of the unknown”.
It going to be an epic challenge that we will live with enthusiasm and courage because we believe that this is the only way to achieve goals, even those seemingly unattainable. On this journey, technique will merge with flair, pragmatism with utopia. The record will be this: to achieve the unattainable.
We hope that our road will be a long one. A very long one.
To discover When, How and Where, you have no choice but to get on board:
And if you are also in love with challenges and surprises and you’d like to be the very first to find out, subscribe to the Golden Ticket:
La linea bianca sull’asfalto si allunga per migliaia di chilometri. Precisa. Delineata. Concreta. Guida il percorso. Lo disegna con precisione. Per i motociclisti è il punto di contatto con la realtà perché un viaggio in moto è prima di tutto un’esperienza intensa, un percorso dove si incontra e si dialoga con se stessi.
Non ha importanza essere motociclisti di lungo corso, quando lo spirito d’iniziativa e la voglia di mettersi in gioco incalzano, quando la voglia di sperimentare ed emozionarsi hanno il sopravvento sulla quotidianità. Quando il viaggio è la motivazione che spinge a godere di ogni attimo e la meta il punto in cui sorseggiare un calice di vino in pieno stile bohemien.
Improvvisazione e spirito d’avventura. Osare, vivere la libertà e i propri sogni. E’ così che è partito il progetto AC50 ma che ha fin da subito definito le basi per un pragmatismo caratteristico di Acerbis Italia. Traiettorie creative che si sono allungate verso nuovi orizzonti tecnologici dove la precisione dei dettagli tecnici del progetto AC50 e della meccanica hanno dato vita anche a collaborazioni eccellenti: partner tecnici che hanno saputo cogliere pienamente lo spirito dell’iniziativa.
Lontani dai soliti cliché ci siamo concentrati sull’essenziale, abbiamo aperto la nostra mente verso soluzioni non convenzionali, riconoscendoci una dose di creatività non inquinata dalla banalità.
Vogliamo cogliere l’attimo e, prima di accendere il motore, desideriamo condividere con voi il nostro progetto da una postazione speciale.
Con AC50 l’impossibile ha preso forma.
We have come a long way in these 50 years.
We have been inspired and spurred to progress towards a new way of designing, developing and producing what is in our DNA. We hope that we had a long way to go to build on our success in the world of two-wheelers and other sports. Today, in 2023, we are starting a new Adventure that for us it’s just a mid stop-over, time to catch the breath, to lower the visor and be back on the throttle. Because we hope our road is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery.
Acerbis AC50 project takes shape. For both challenge and emotions, for something untried and visionary.
- AC50: what does it mean? What is it?
- AC50 is a celebration of human ingenuity, soul and passion.
- AC50 is an extraordinary idea with great technological impact, developed in the Acerbis 50th Anniversary Year.
- AC50 is pushing the limit of our imagination and emotions. Is to be every motorcyclist’s big dream list.
- AC50 is to cover mile after mile, stretching toward the horizon.
- AC50 is a target never achieved before. It is an outstanding Journey looking for outstanding means.
We already have in our bag everything that we need and we are ready for the first step on this long Journey. Because we hope our road is a long one, the last drop will be the judge of what human mind can do.
Are you ready to follow what no one has ever dare?