The Acropolis, the Parthenon, the Roman aqueducts, the Colosseum, the Egyptian Pyramids, the Great Wall. These are examples of what ancient engineering has achieved.
Today, looking at the job done by Acerbis’ engineers, thoughts naturally flow to those breathtaking masterpieces, but also to the Renaissance studios, where artisans were capable of turning ideas into physical items. Now as then, engineers, depositaries of an ancient knowledge, follow every stage of developing a project.
Fabio Angeli, AC50 Project Engineer, capable of balancing calculus with testing, manual work with strategic analysis.
When you think “out of the box” to embark on a journey into the unknown, you are recalling the old times, the ancient fears of man and all the required challenges to overcome them. To do something that has never been done before means having to use a revolutionary mindset.
The courage to challenge yourself, to expose yourself, to experiment.
Thanks to the methodical approach and the know-how gained in Acerbis, Fabio Angeli has transformed the AC50 visionary dream into the glass-resin prototype ridden by Maurizio Vettor at Castelletto di Branduzzo Circuit and has ensured that from a prototype, the AC50 makes it to the first off tool PA6 part.
Through hands, every child treasures his first explorations of nature; those manual skills will later become the manifestation of human creativity.